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Tuesday 30th August 2022


Amazed to hear that president Gorbachev came back to life. Very sorry to hear he has died again.

If people are allowed to self identify as anything they want these days, then does that mean I can self-identify as a basically ok person and say that that’s fine?

Thanks to the internet I have now found out that the lyrics to Paul Simon’s “Think too Much (a)” go “and the world begins the Elephant Dance” not as I thought (best guess) “the world begins the erfect as” (assumed he was having a stroke). What’s the fucking elephant dance? I guess I will google that in 30 years time and find out.

The last week or so has been overshadowed with the surprisingly arduous task of booking a guest for the upcoming RHLSTP. It really is the only bit of the process that is in any way unpleasant, but is astonishingly stressful. It’s not that there’s not loads of people who want to do the show - there are - but I’ve got to balance up the line ups, try to make sure there’s someone who can sell tickets (so that the theatre keeps booking the show), but also introduce you to brilliant people you might not be aware of. 
It’s almost certainly not as stressful as whatever job you do, but it’s been hanging over me a little bit and the closer it gets to show time, the more horrible it becomes. Yet I think, mostly, it has to be a job I do myself. 
But today I booked the truly splendid Eleanor Morton who will join Pierre Novellie on September 5th. You may not have heard of one or both of these newer comedians, but I only book people who are excellent and I know they will both be brilliant. Probably better than that, because they’re both on the top of their game. The ones on the way up can be funnier than those who have made it (or who like me are on the long, long slide down -and I only went on the lowest slide). So if you fancy coming along and boosting the audience numbers then book here.
I have some very good leads for the rest of the series and a couple of names in the book, so worth booking ahead for October and November. I don’t think any of the other will be quite so last minute, but let’s see. It’s all part of the charm.

I had a nice unsexy  evening stone clear which you can listen to here.

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