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Friday 1st March 2024

Big changes coming up this year. We're moving house after seven years in our village and heading into a nearby town. I will be sad to leave the place we're in and it's nerve-wracking to make a change and am not looking forward to packing and unpacking, but it's probably the right decision for the family. We'll be able to walk to the shops and the station.
We got our new place yesterday and went to have a look at it today. We're not moving in straight away as it needs a little work, but it was interesting to see the place empty of the previous owners' stuff and try to work out how we'd make it out own and where I'd put my snooker board. Ernie has been a little bit more upset about the move than the rest of us (he has lived in our house his entire life), but he seemed to like the place and we've semi-promised that he can get a hamster when we move in. This will almost certainly be our home til the kids leave (and probably beyond) so it's a big leap. But we have a little while to reacclimatise and are lucky enough to not have to move straight away. We have big plans to keep this place neat and tidy so we know where all our stuff is. Ha. Good luck. I have a small annexe to use as my office, so at least my junk will be out of the way and there's a big attic up a rickety ladder that would almost be big enough for a snooker board (if you could get it through the hatch), but not quite.
So we looked around feeling a mixture of excited and sick (at least in my case) and stumbled out way to working out how the heating worked and how to unlock the complicated door at the back and how to work the loft ladder.
Then to celebrate we went for a pizza. Usually these days I just have a salad, but I'd done a good work out today and it was a special occasion so I had a whole pizza for the first time in a while. I had no problem ingesting the whole thing and a bit of Catie's. The slope is a slippery one and I hope I don't undo all my dietary progress.
I got to bed early as we have an early flight to Dublin tomorrow.

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