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Thursday 15th February 2024

Happy St Skeletor's Day. The event didn't make much of a splash this year (I nearly forgot about it myself) but I project that by 2933 it will have outstripped Valentine's Day and bring in huge revenues for greeting card manufacturers of whatever equivalent they have by then and celebrated on at least 3 planets. Whatever you say about humanity, hate conquers all.

So after a slightly dizzy week following my last personal training session, I risked another one and though my head felt a bit fuggy, the room didn't spin even though Paulette made me attempt some chin ups (which I achieved with some assistance from resistance bands and her lifting me). As a result of the exercise I felt pretty good for the rest of the day and I am keen to get back to regular exercise to see if I can get my health kick back on track. I suspect that being in my late-fifties now, I will find it increasingly tricky to get a good run of exercise together. But today anything seemed possible.
I am, nonetheless, visiting my GP on Monday to see what's going on in my head, if Dr Phil Hammond doesn't have any ideas in tomorrow's Bristol RHLSTP.
I was relieved that the Bedford gig had been postponed, the universe deciding that I had too much on this week, but I foolishly decided to fill the void with a Twitch of Fun. 97 eps in. So close to 100 I can almost smell a cocky carrot.
Catie had friends over so I put the kids to bed. Ernie was keen to be on the show, but it was past his bedtime and I wouldn't be able to stop the show to put him to bed if I let him stayed up, so we did a pre record in which he did one of his three jokes, but also successfully slammed Ally (after asking him to marry him). It looked like Phoebe wasn't going to show up to interrupt the show, but she was just biding her time and when she finally arrived she was easily the best thing in the hour. You can watch it here.

And we got confirmation on the amazing guest news, Bob Mortimer, who has already done one podcast this tour, is happy to travel to Hull to appear on the last show of the tour on March 28th. He has however requested that the interview is not released as a podcast, so the only way to see/hear this one is to COME TO HULL. As you might expect it's already selling fast (but it's also a massive venue), so buy your tickets here and spread the word. It would be amazing to end the tour with a sell out. And many of the remaining shows are sold out too. Thanks so much for the support

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