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Tuesday 26th September 2006

Four weeks into my diet now and managed to keep my fitday page updated for all this time. I weighed myself this morning and had put on weight for the first time (despite only once having slighly exceeded my calorific limit in the whole time I have done this), but I am finding it hard to find reliable scales. The ones I started with at the gym now rollercoast through a variety of potential weights every time you stand on them, occasionally seemingly settling before veering off in unpredictable directions again. I suspect no-one will fix them until Richard Branston turns up and then he'll throw them away. Similarly my own scales are not brilliant. So I am not too concerned by this blip and as everyone knows muscle weighs heavier than fat so it's not something to get down about. I am still around 4kg lighter than this time last month, which is over half a stone. This is a good rate of weightloss and whilst I doubt I will manage it next week - especially with a holiday in the middle, unless a lion eats one of my legs - it's an excellent start.
People have started commenting that I look healthy, but no-one's really said I look thinner yet and my belly is certainly some distance from having disappeared, but jeans that stayed up snug without a belt in Edinburgh are now falling down and aside from my brief flirtation with yellow fever (and being a bit tired from doing so many radio shows - By Sunday night I will have performed in 8 radio shows this week and I am completely knackered after the first three) I have been feeling very well.
Usually weight going up after a hard week of dieting is enough to send me rushing towards the biscuit jar (yes, like I ever have biscuits in my house for long enough to warrant purchasing a jar to keep them in), but not this time. I'm taking it in my stride and am more determined than ever to keep the general descent in progress. It's going to get a lot harder from here on in, but I'd really like to lose another half stone at least and preferrable be a stone lighter than I am not by Christmas.
Encouragingly the drinks I had on Friday have not led to a return to daily boozing. In fact if anything I feel less inclined to drink. Even the last in the series of TWTTIN and my marriage to Kennedy was not seen as an excuse to drive myself to drink and after Banter tonight I just stayed on the orange juice.
So despite this minor blip on the unreliable scales I am feeling pretty positive about the way things are going and not yet resorting to looking through the Yellow Pages for liposuction (though that will be the last resort on July 11th 2007 if all else fails). Perhaps if in the next nine months I manage to lose my own pregnant belly than that is as good as causing somoene else's belly to swell. Or maybe as I've always suspected there is actually a baby in my tummy. If so hopefully I can poo it out in time and all will be well.
Keep up our diets if you've been joining me on this crusade. Hopefully it will be worth the effort.

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