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Sunday 10th September 2006

It's one heck of a busy weekend. Yesterday afternoon and night was taken up writing episode 4 of TWTTIN (I finished around midnight) and today saw my return to the Andrew Collings Show followed by the recording of two (count them- there are two) episodes of Banter. Tomorrow is a double recording of TWTTIN. Nothing like getting straight back to work after Edinburgh.
On the Collings Show I was straight back in there, the first thing I suggested was that Steve Irwin shouldn't have a State Funeral or the planned family funeral - he should be cut up into bits and fed to his crocodiles. It is, I believe, what he would have wanted and would be a fitting end to his remarkable life. Then I guess if they wanted a proper funeral as well, they could bury the crocodile poo. Or if that would be considered inappropriate (only the most prudish person could think that) perhaps they could organise a big event at the zoo where the crocodiles were put in a big tank with the stingrays (who were of course responsible for the death) and have an all out inter-special war in Steve's memory. People could pay to watch and all the money could go towards putting more animals in cages - a cause very close to Steve's heart.
After that we jumped into a cab to take us the short distance to RADA where Banter was being recorded. Amazingly we had perhaps the only cab driver in London who did not know where Tottenham Court Road was and set off in the totally wrong direction. After a couple of minutes I was going to say something, but assumed that the driver knew some super clever route. By the time we were at Marylebone High St I kind of realised he didn't know what he was doing, but as I was about to say something he confessed that he'd made a mistake.
Banter was fun, but with each recording taking around 90 minutes I was flagging by the end. They should both edit down to something pretty good though, although it's impossible to say whether my convoluted joke about Stockhausen Syndrome (which I thought was pretty darn witty, but the audience seemed to disagree) will make it in. You'll have to tune in to find out. It starts in October I believe, possibly on Wednesdays at 6.30 on Radio 4. Keep your eyes on this website for details.
I managed to resist the temptation to have a drink after the show. Even if I'd wanted to, I knew it was an early start tomorrow and I'd need a clear head to get through it all. It's almost a fortnight since my last alcoholic drink (in the early hours of Tuesday morning as the Edinburgh Fringe finally came to a close - boy that already seems like a lifetime ago) and so far I haven't missed it. I am determined to get to the end of September, though might allow my holiday in October to be the first time I allow the demon drink between my lips again. Though maybe I should hold out for longer. I am sure most of my continuing weight loss is down to laying off the booze and there's still a long way to go before I am even the utopia of moderate overweightness. I can't allow my determination to falter.

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