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Thursday 31st August 2006

I had just started work on episode 3 of That Was Then This Is Now (we’re recording shows 3 and 4 in a little over a week!) when Liz, the producer of the show rang me to say that she had had Radio Compliance on the phone. My heart sank. In the first series we had had a few battles with what I referred to as “The evil Radio 2 censor” ( here’s one for example. In the end we broadcast the Schopenhauer line changed to something like “Clio, the muse of history, is as thoroughly infected with lies as a lady of the night with an anti-social disease.” Blimey! )
But Liz gleefully went on to tell me that he had rung just to say how much he had enjoyed the show. She said she kept waiting for the “but”, but it never came. After all the first series problems he (and there is every chance that it is a different person than last time and maybe even a woman, but like the Borg, Radio 2 compliance take on one identity once they get the job) had now just called up to say he thought the programme was good. Which was a surprise. I have to say I was very pleased with the first episode especially and it’s a cracking start to the series, which starts on Radio 2 on Saturday at 1pm, just after Jonathan Ross. Hope you can listen in.
Having said that, episodes 3 and 4 might be a bit dodgy, but I am sure we can pull it out of the bag (even though one of the cast and writing team has chosen this week to go on holiday – I am going to give him all the worst lines as a punishment. See if you can spot which one it is).
It has been difficult reacclimatising to London time. Last night I didn’t get to sleep until 4 (partly Edinburgh time and partly because I wasn’t drunk enough to just pass out like practically ever other day for the last fortnight) I finally got up at around midday (after various interruptions from gasmen and workmen destroying trees in my street at what for me was the middle of the night), so I didn’t start working til quite late, but after doing some chores and going for a run (kept going for 30 minutes with my mind always on the extra calories earned for FitDay -331 if you’re interested – managed to come in about 800 calories under. I should be out of the red zone in a matter of minutes at this rate) I found I did get into things quite efficiently. And was beavering away until 6.30pm, almost forgetting that I had agreed to go and meet a friend for dinner.
The restaurant meal is a FitDay nightmare as of course you have no idea about ingredients or quantities, but I resisted the temptation to drink wine or eat more than a morsel or two of bread and erred on the side of caution when compiling my entry later. I would rather over-estimate than be one of the idiots who kids himself that heÂ’s had less calories than he really has. Nice to know a few of you have taken the plunge as well. I hope we can stay strong and keep it up. So far I am utterly fascinated and obsessed.

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