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Wednesday 30th August 2006

So my post Edinburgh health regime started with some gusto. I not only swam for half an hour (using up 280 calories according to FitDay), I also ate super-healthily (only 2235 calories - about 1000 less than I burned up).
I obsessively filled in my charts at the FitDay website. Hopefully it's the kind of thing that I get stupidly obsessed with, rather than losing interest the day I crack and drink 10 pints of beer or get frustrated with when I eat out and so can't fill in the correct calories from the back of the packet. Most thing are listed on the site anyway, but it's kind of fun to get it exact (you know if you are borderline autistic) and it's good to get it exactly right.
It is very similar to Weightwatchers which I did a few years ago with Julia. It makes you consider what you're eating, but also keep an eye on portion sizes. So whereas usually with a stir fry I might splash the oil in willy-nilly, when you are aware of the fat content you suddenly cut back to the bare minimum. Similarly when you're swimming and wanting to give in after 15 minutes, you know that that won't burn up enough energy so you think of Touching-the-Void-o and push onwards.
Like all diets it will surely end in failure, but if I can become as addicted to recording my food and exercise as I have to recording the minutiae of my day then who knows? I am quite determined this time round, but then I always am aren't I? I can't fool you lot. You're already seen me go through this kind of thing three or four times without success. But this time feels different. Just like all the other times did.
But at 5 foot 7 and 92.2 kilos I find myself in the red "severe overweight" section of the weight chart. According to that to get to a healthy weight, I need to lose almost 50 pounds (3 and a half stone) or grow eight inches. Both seem similarly unlikely, but I would settle for getting into the yellow moderately overweight section.
There are loads of other charts that you can wile the day away looking at. For example whilst I ate 4457.9% of my RDA of Vitamin B12, I only had 18.5% of the Selenium that I should have ben eating. And I don't even know what Selenium is.
I am also glad to see that sexual activity counts as a sport. If you are vigorous then it's a calorie a minute, but if you are moderate in your efforts it takes two minutes to burn a calorie. Which means I would have to have sex four times to burn one calorie. Ha ha, I am funny. It doesn't say if wanking counts. I am sure it can't or otherwise I wouldn't be severely overweight.
Well I might keep you up to date with my progress. Or I might not. Today I ate 20% fat, 48 carbs and 32% protein, with no alcohol (I will never drink again). Can you say as much?
Come on let's all sign up at the website and then we can compare and contrast. It's free! And it could change you from being severely overweight to just moderately overweight. Alternatively go to and try and put on some height instead. Man I wish I was 6ft3!

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