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Sunday 20th August 2006

I had some time to kill between my own show and another stint at the Free Beer Show and was looking for a little restaurant to have a bit of non-chip based dinner in. Finally I found a nice looking cafe up near Bristo Square and was about to find a table for one when a familiar voice shouted, "Rich".
I looked over to see the smiling face of lovely Josie Long (and also the rest of her body too - her face had not become disembodied thankfully and I doubt she would have been smiling if it had. Though knowing Josie she might still smile through such a set back). Opposite her sat the moustachioed face of her boyf, comedian Matthew Crosby ( the man with the funniest myspace photo of all time and that is official). This time it was just his disembodied face. It says a lot for Josie that she is still dating the bodyless Crosby. Not even the moustache has put her off.
Then I noticed it was just a trick of the light. Thankfully Crosby's fine muscular body is still attached to his face.
Long and Crosbie were in the middle of a game of Boggle. I didn't want to disturb this romantic moment, but they seemed happy for me to join them and I was very glad for their company. This is what is great about Edinburgh at this time of year. You can't really go anywhere without bumping into someone you know.
Josie is a bit of a Boggle whizz, whereas Scrabble is my forte, so when she invited me to join them in a game I was a little reluctant. But she coaxed me in and we ended up playing about five times. It was terrific fun and made more enjoyable by the totally unexpected nature of this encounter. Josie is exceptionally good at the game and Matthew is no slouch, but I managed to win a couple of times, but in the ultimate decider, Josie stopped giving us a chance and wiped the floor with us. She literally did that. Which I thought was a bit rude. It had only been a friendly game and the floor was really dirty.
I love Edinburgh.

I have several programmes to send off, but have either not received or have mislaid addresses. Please email me at with your address if your name appears below:
Judy Bird
Bruce Bush
Mike Lamb
Jack Burton
Lee Hunt
Stuart Mingay
Paul Alexander
Sally Campbell
Glenn Allan
Lenny Zero
Cath Fletcher
Duncan Palmer
Maggie Gallant
Christopher Latham
Nathaniel Metcalfe
Barry Heaven
Grace Wilson
Gary Napier
Jonathan Capps
Jodpert D'Cracklit
The Grovelor
Mair Hughes
Stephen Nuttall
Marion Teggin
Ian Ridley
Daniel Brownsill

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