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Monday 5th October 2015

Monday 5th October 2015


It's slightly ridiculous how much I am enjoying decluttering the house. Even though we've been on the market for a while, we're relaunching soon with a new agent so there's new photos to be done, but I think the burst of energy is more down to the fact that I have now accepted that we're moving and that it's time to prepare ourselves a bit. So the reordering and recycling is as much to do with preparing for our exit as it is to make the place look nice for prospective new tenants. 

But it's also ridiculous that I haven't worked so hard on making the place look nice and dumping my excess belongings when I have been living here. Today I got stuck into my office space, which is always a bomb site, except on the rare occasions when I am trying to avoid work and reorganise. It looks amazing without crap everywhere (or at least with the crap pushed to the side). We might actually sell this place now.

I was also using the time to make headway on some of the RHLSTP rewards, so I scanned the Lannister notebook and designed the “Put a Shrek in it' T shirt (having to work in the unusual medium of Sharpie on cardboard rather than fabric paint on shirt, so it came out a bit different than the others - not better though, it was equally if not slightly more shit, but I like my art work to have a 3D dimension ideally). I still have to interview myself for the DVD, but that might have to wait until next week, as I have to start preparing for the early bit of the Happy Now? tour (Manchester on Weds - SOLD OUT and Newport on Friday, as well as a great line up for RHLSTP on Sunday with Robert Popper and Luisa Omielan).

I am trying to will myself to get back into writing something again and do have a sitcom commission that I am supposed to be getting on with, but with house selling and searching and baby and currently a poorly wife it's pretty hard to get any time to start the long drawn out and painful process. And I have been wasting my time thinking about doing a “Two old men on the bonfire” audio sitcom or maybe knocking out a few episodes of “A Square Pegg in a Round Hole” (Gary Vaux sent me this potential poster today which does make it look really good), in the hope that Simon Pegg might have a gap in his schedule and commit to (best to write the scripts first, cos that will likely convince him to bail out of Mission Impossible and Star Trek). Whilst there would be some Godot-like fun in doing a bit more with the two similar burning old men, disgusted with their own existence, the appeal would be very limited. But that's never stopped me before. It's like I want to be a niche inside of the niche. 

I watched the last episode of Quantum Leap on Youtube today and as much as I find this series fascinating and appealing, it really is a load of rubbish. Not in the Goodnight Sweetheart sense, but although QL was mainstream sci-fi, it's not far off being Highway to Heaven, with a few more bazooma gags. I still love it. But it's terrible. And most importantly makes no sense on any level, just like Sliding Doors, because of course if Sam Beckett changes one thing then everything changes and if Al (spoiler alert) ends up with his first wife, then his life would pan out very differently, as would all the other lives that got changed and everything they touched and…. oh what's the point? It's just a bit of fun.

But I can't look away and I don't want to and I want to make sure that the two old men on a bonfire sitcom has a longer and more unnecessary opening title sequence than QL, which overexplains the concept and then shows millions of clips from past and future (and non-existent) episodes (even though all that will happen in this sitcom is that the old men will stand on the bonfire and it will be in audio anyway so you won't be able to see the clips).

Or should I work on the sitcom that I am going to get paid for and which might actually be on TV?

I think you know the answer. 

What's wrong with me?

It's almost like I don't want to be any more successful than I am.

Some fun props, T-shirts and left over series 7 RHLSTP kickstarter rewards up for grabs on eBay. All money goes towards future internet content. 

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