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Tuesday 4th August 2015


Daddy and daughter day today, which was an enormous pleasure for me, even though Phoebe has a bit of a cold. She doesn't know she can breathe through her mouth, because she is an idiot. So she would occasionally wake up in distress, which was a little bit scary. 

I hoped that she doesn't yet understand English because I spent a fair deal of time with Christ on a Bike and Talking Cock as our playlist, in preparation for tonight's preview gig where I was going to be trying to do the first hour of both shows. But if she did understand she didn't find the shows funny, preferring my bit where I swing the top half of my body towards her. She is also starting to laugh when she is tickled. I am not sure that this stuff will work with an adult audience, but I am certainly going to find out. 

I tried to encourage her to crawl today and she had a little try, to no avail, though I don't know why I would want her to. For the moment she stays where we put her. My friends came round with their toddler today and he was all over the place, terrorising our cat Smithers (who is a dick and deserves everything he gets) and picking up our broom and swinging it around. Every little new development with my daughter is delightful (today she showed real empathy when a friend was upset about something, Phoebe started crying too, making the sad person laugh - I am not saying my daughter is the new Jesus, but it was the cutest thing that I have ever seen), but I don't want to lose this adorable little idiot too quickly. She is cheeky and wilful and she's going to be a right handful when she is mobile. 

We had fun today though and I managed to give her a bath without smashing her head into anything. Very nearly got her to six months without any serious injury. 

The gig tonight went OK. I got through most of Christ on a Bike with only one brain freeze and did the first half of Talking Cock (which I got more or less bang on, but somehow rushed through in 30 minutes rather than 45). I think these two are going to be good and fun to do. I am trying not to think too much further ahead. 

I was performing to an audience who largely didn't know who I was (I think) and I think some of them found some of the stuff a bit racey (quite a few didn't come back for the second half). But it didn't really matter. This was about me saying the stuff out loud, without notes.

Still plenty of tickets left for all the shows at the Leicester Square Theatre. If you want to see ones that go well then come this weekend. If you want to see me fall on my arse then I'd guess that The Twelve Tasks of Hercules would be a good bet. If you want to help out with the ones that are selling the least well (and also,weirdly I think, are maybe the four best shows) then menage a un, Headmaster's Son, What is Love, Anyway? and We're All Going To Die! could do with a little boost. Spread the word to your pals (or keep me secret as usual). Tickets here.

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