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Monday 18th July 2011

The phone hacking story just keeps taking twists and turns. Some astonishing, some amusing, some dark and disturbing. How many more heads will roll and will the whispers that this is going to go right to the top be proven to be right? Certainly top Tories are not queuing up to defend David Cameron. Is this going to bring the government down? Is it a revolution in the way our country is run where people have finally woken up to how inappropriate it is for a very rich man who owns newspapers and TV stations to have such power? Who knows? And when it comes down to it is David Cameron at the top or is Rupert Murdoch actually above him?
It's all very interesting.
Then today comes the chilling news that Sean Hoare the man who blew the whistle on all of this in the first place has died. It seems like a dangerous occupation to be a whistle blower. Blowing whistles is clearly bad for your health. Yet ironically so little bad stuff seems to happen to football referees. Even though everyone hates them. It's only the good whistle blowers who seem to die in suspiciously non-suspicious circumstances. Maybe someone is dipping the whistle in poison. Give the whistle a wipe before you use it, blowers.
Police say Hoare's death is unexplained, but not suspicious. And thank goodness for that. Because if we've learnt anything in the last few weeks, it is that the police cannot be bought. I mean some might say it's a bit early to say if an unexplained death is not suspicious. Especially given the power and influence of the people that this particular whistle blower pissed off. Yeah, it might look like natural causes or suicide or a drug overdose or whatever, but it has been known that murders have been committed which are made to look like any of these things. Even if it was clearly non-suspicious I'd want to make really sure in this case that it definitely was before I said that. I would, for example, like to have an explanation for the death before I decided how suspicious it was.
I am tempted to blow the whistle on the people saying that there are innocent explanations for the deaths of all the whistle-blowers, but fear what might happen to me. I have my own whistle that I have bought especially, but there are dark forces out there who might still have got to it.
I am not one for conspiracy theories or ManCorr style paranoia, but the deaths of Hoare, Kelly and even Robin Cook certainly seem suspicious. Even if they actually have more innocent or prosaic explanations, it would be stupid to deny the possibility of more suspicious possibilities. Especially when you begin to see the stuff that's going on amongst the people in power even when you only partially lift the lid and peek in. In the current climate, with all that is going on, I just think it might have been less suspicious for the police not to immediately claim that things are not suspicious.
They should at least send in Columbo on this one. But they can't. Because he died too. In suspiciously non-suspicious circumstances. Just before all this came to light. Hmmm.
I may have said too much. If this is my last blog then you know who is responsible.... hold on, there's someone at the door.

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