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Wednesday 15th July 2015


I had slightly mixed feelings as people started tweeting me pics of the  T-shirts that they had received as Kickstarter rewards. They mainly seemed pretty pleased with their one-off designs which made me feel good, but I'd spent so much time making them that it felt a bit weird to see them scattered around the country (and the world). If we do this again (and we'll have to if we hope to film the next series of RHLSTP in September) then I think we will limit the hand made T-shirts (and perhaps have prints of some of the designs as a lower level prize). I genuinely can't work out if what I've done is deeply cool or terribly tragic. Somehow, it might be both. But I posted off the last hands today, so pretty much everyone should have their rewards by the end of the week.

I'd hoped to do some work on the new show ahead of another preview tonight, but I was punch drunk with tiredness. I was appearing on Frank Skinner's radio show “The Rest is History” (I think it's called) in the evening and then heading over to Angel for a late gig. I had a couple of hours in between so had planned to do some work while I had a coffee to keep myself awake, but when I sat down in McDonalds (it was the nearest cafe I could find and I wanted to see if there coffee was as good as the adverts claimed - it really isn't. Do not go there for coffee. Or food) I realised that neither my laptop or my iPad (which I'd planned to read my script off at the gig) were in there. I'd left the bag unattended in the dressing room at the radio recording. Had someone nicked them when we all on stage? Frank Skinner had taken all his bags on to stage and when challenged by Holly Walsh had said that he was following the example of Nina Simone (I think it was) who would even take her groceries on to stage (according to Rowland Rivron - I am starting to think I dreamed all of this). But I couldn't completely remember putting the computers in my bag in the first place. It turned out that I had gathered all my stuff together and then just left it on the dining room table before I'd dashed out. This kind of tiredness is extremely annoying, but maybe it's just combined with old age. 

The radio show was fun and I surprised myself with how much I knew about Burke and Hare in particular. And some of the new stuff fared well at the gig, but I'd say I have ten minutes at most at the moment. It will be interesting to see how this all progresses.

I got a cab home, but the one I hailed drove some way past me because I was standing on a zebra crossing. I assumed he'd turn into a side road if he'd seen me, but he went some distance up the road, stopping by a group of other people that I assumed had got his attention first. So I carried on walking. The driver turned round and then shouted at me angrily, explaining that he couldn't stop on the zig zags. He was angry that I hadn't run after him and seemingly didn't know this rule. But I did know this rule. He just seemed to have gone unnecessarily far away, so I had thought he wasn't going to pick me up. And it didn't look like he was going to pick me up now either. He had just returned to tell me that he couldn't stop on the zigzags and shout at me about that. I didn't appreciate being told off and swore at him as he drove off. But then he turned round again and I wondered if he was going to continue the argument or get out and lamp me. But it seemed like a Mexican woman being courted by a man in the town square courting ceremony (where men go in a ring one way and women go in a ring in the opposite direction) he was going to reject me twice and then accept me on the third turn. Because he drove back and seemed to park up for me to get in. I didn't feel like getting into a cab with a furious driver though and told him to forget it and waited 30 seconds for another cab.

Ah London, how I love thee and how I won't miss you if and when we leave.

The Louis Theroux podcast is now up and it's already getting a lot of love. There have been some very strong eps this series, but this one is right up there I think

Watch it here 


Or listen to it on BCG 

or iTunes

Please pass these links on to any pals or enemies that you think might enjoy it.

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