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Monday 1st September 2003

So, I'm thinking of running the Marathon.
Don't laugh. I mean it.
I don't know what it is that attracts me to the idea, possibly the fact that the first bloke who tried it promptly dropped dead the minute he'd finished. But look at him now, down forever in history as that bloke (y'know whatsisname) who ran the first Marathon.
I think it might have been more respectful to his sacrifice if they'd named the race after him, rather than the battle he was delivering a message about, but, you know, maybe he was called Terry or something and everyone thought that would be too embarrassing.
Still he's down in history (I'm sure you can find out his name somewhere if you're interested. I'm pretty sure it wasn't Terry) and best of all, at least his ultimate sacrifice got a chocolate bar named after it. Briefly. Before becoming known as Snickers, which is probably the most insulting thing about it all.
Anyway, it isn't the death aspect that necessarily attracts me to the project. I also like the prospect of being one of those wobbly men at the end of the race, who are extremely close to absolute exhaustion, but still manage to complete the task. Although there is a nobility and bravery in their struggle, it is mainly good because they look really funny.
Apart from death and ridicule it appeals to me more because it certainly would be a challenge. It would give me something definite to work towards on the getting fit front (and I couldn't just do the training for a couple of days before getting bored, because I would look an idiot on the day if I only managed half a mile before going all wobbly. I'd never live it down).
Rob from Avalon (amongst others) has suggested I give it a go. He's doing it in support of SCOPE (I don't know what the charity does. I think they provide Telescopes to disadvantaged children. And I'm all for that. The telescopes have been in the hands of the wealthy for too long). Basically they sort out all the entrance and details for you, in return for you guaranteeing that you'll raise £1150 in sponsorship (imagine the telescope you could buy with that. It would be a hundred foot long and made of gold. Even the glass parts!). It sounds a lot doesn't it, but I figure you lot will all chip in, won't you?
Or are you like the prodigal son's friends? Happy to read his intermittently amusing observations about his boring life when it's all for free, but the minute he asks for something back, you're off to find the internet diary of another obscure comedian.
Sorry, that's not all that much like the Prodigal son is it?

Anyway, I've been testing my stamina a bit to see if I have any chance of completing this Herculean task (no that wasn't his name either. Even Hercules would have been hard pressed to run a stupidly long distance before immediately expiring).
Last week I did a two mile run and a three mile run. Today I moved up to 4. It took 39 minutes. I'm not saying it was easy, but I certainly had some more run in me, and it's not like the Marathon is taking place next week, so I might just manage it. It's only about 4 and a half miles long isn't it?
No-one could run further than that. It's not possible.
I'll let you know what happens and start saving your sponsorship money now. There are children in Africa with only one telescope between three. We can do better than that. We really can.

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