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Saturday 23rd September 2006

I finally got round to sorting out the additional prizes for the people who donated to the menage a un programme fund. Judy Bird donated the most and thus won the only signed copy of the Russian version of Talking Cock in existence. The other random prizes of old scripts or posters go to Dave Clayton, Tim Haddon, Claire mumford, Jamie Hancock and Richard Caine. Stuff should be arriving towards the end of the week.
If you would like a copy of the menage a un programme or indeed any of the programmes for Talking Cock, Hercules or Yoghurt then please visit my justgiving site and make a donation of at least £5, then email me your address (to and I will send one to you asap. Please add at least one pound for every additional programme you require and remember to state in your email which programmes you want. If you prefer to use snail mail you can send a cheque (and be helpful if you could enclose an A4 size self-addressed envelope) to Richard Herring PO BOX 48323, London, W12 8YY. All the people who make a donation from now to the end of November will be added into a special draw and the winner will receive a signed menage a un poster (I have hardly any menage a un posters and so this will be extremely rare), plus signed posters of Yoghurt, Hercules, Excavating Rita and one of the Lee and Herring tours.
If you wish to purchase any of the above posters (whilst stocks last - numbers very limited - sorry no menage a un posters available) please send a cheque made payable to Richard Herring to the above snail mail address. Yoghurt and Hercules posters cost £5 each. The Excavating Rita and Lee and Herring posters (the one with us dressed up as Richard and Judy) are £10 as there are only about five of each remaining. Package and postage included. All posters delivered in nice cardboard tubes. Some of the older posters may have slight damage, though are largely in good condition. Do not donate via the justgiving site for these.
In other merchandise news, over the next year I will be releasing some DVDs of my live shows. The Hercules DVD will be first and we're currently working on putting this together. In the New Year I will be filming both Someone Likes Yoghurt and menage a un in Cardiff. I will give details of how to purchase these products (or get tickets to the recordings) as soon as they are finalised.

Still a bit tired and fragile today (and I am sure that's down to the yellow fever rather than the wine) and needed to get scripts five and six of TWTTIN finished off, so it was another long Saturday night of working, rather than playing. I was supposed to be at a party, but even if I hadn't had the work I don't think I would have quite been up for it. I get to relax in two weeks in Africa, but for the moment I still have a lot to get done (two more TWTTINS, four more Banters and a rewrite on Double Act for starters).
I had struggled with script 6 on Thursday and Friday (partly due to being ill) and it was hard to get the youthful motor of my brain running today. But finally between 9pm and midnight it seemed to click together and I got the script to somewhere approaching satisfaction.
I seem to work best at this time of night, which is annoying as traditionally this should be when I am socialising and having fun, especially on a Saturday. But I guess I have enough fun to forgo the odd weekend evening in favour of writing a sketch that includes euphemism upon euphemism for the gentleman's testicle. I am 39. What a strange life I lead.
Maybe tomorrow I'll learn to settle down. Until tomorrow, I'll continue trying to invent new euphemisms for genitalia - The McSquirter Twins was my favourite incidentally.
I would love it if I could become more efficient at writing, if I could just get my work done between normal office hours and then get on with having a life of routine like everyone else, but I guess by now that it's obvious this just isn't the way it works. It would have been much more convenient to write this stuff on Thursday afternoon, but on Thursday afternoon nothing was coming. Even this afternoon would have been better, but I prevaricated and watched TV shows that I usually wouldn't have beenn interested in, but which suddenly became fascinating.
Then at 9pm my brain decided the time had come to start working and what had seemed like an impossible mountain to climb just four hours before all clicked into place and got done.
The more one does this job, the more one realises that the sitting watching TV and the going for a swim and the sitting having coffee are all part of the process. All the time the information is swirling around in your head, waiting to click into place and then finally it does.
I still think it would be more convenient if I could just sit down and do it though.
Is the stuff I've written good or rubbish? By about 5pm on Monday I will doubtless have lost all faith in it, but hopefully by 10pm enough of it will have seemed OK. And that'll be another series done and dusted.

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