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Wednesday 4th October 2006

So just as I am approching the end of this hectic 5 weeks of post edinburgh work I am inevitably getting ill. I was light-headed and woozy this morning (and I know I don't drink much at the moment, but I don't think I can blame the one glass of wine I had last night). I hadn't had much sleep and I've been doing lots of exercise and dieting could be a factor, but most likely some kind of post-Edinburgh lurgy is about to strike just in time for me to have a truly pleasant flight to Africa.
I had a few weeks of dizziness a couple of years back with something that turned out to be benign positional vertigo - an ear infection. I was experiencing something similar today, but more general and not I think to do with my ears.
I didn't really notice how bad it was until I had to go out for a meeting this evening. I had planned to cycle, but sensibly decided that that might be foolish if I was about to pass out any second. And this was a good call because even walking was quite unpredictable and I stumbled and almost lost my balance a couple of times.
Just as with the ear thing which I didn't dare get diagnosed for about five weeks, I was immediately assuming that this imbalance was surely down to some new brain tumour or MS or some such, which of course it might be. It's nice that one always jumps to the worst possible conclusion, mainly I think in the hope that if you do that then you will somehow prevent that being the case. It can't be a brain tumour if you predict it's a brain tumour. That is my approach to medicene and it has stood me in good stead so far.
Though with everything ticking along so nicely and with things looking like they might actually happen for once such a terrible setback would only seem reasonable. Even if it's more likely that I am just on the edge of exhaustion. I've been pushing my brain and my body in unusual directions this last month and I think that it is within its rights to protest.
And if nothing else the way the world was spinning around by the time I went to bed was at least an approximation of the drunkeness that I have temporarily left behind me.
And on the plus side it's given me something to write about on a day that was otherwise taken up with work. I just hope I am not going to Tanzania to be ill.

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