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Saturday 2nd September 2006

I have lost a kilo in just two days, which is not too shoddy at all. At this rate I'll be in the healthy weight zone by the end of the month. I don't think it is unreasonable to expect that rate of loss to continue!

I played in a televised poker home game tonight (don't know when it will be on, but it was hosted by Hardeep Singh Kohli). The other "celebrity" players were Grub Smith, TV's Emma Kennedy, Oli Chris from off of The Office, Jon Ronson, lovely Lucy Porter and Charlie Condou from off of Nathan Barley. I haven't had much luck in recent live poker tourneys, but was hoping I could return to form in this event which had (as it would turn out) a £300 first prize plus a set of poker chips. Perhaps the fact I wasn't drinking would help me stay calm and have good judgement.
I had met all the players before and it was a very friendly and social game. Hardeep was playing very aggressively and so when I hit an Ace Jack I reraised him, suspecting a bluff. After the flop I hadn't hit anything, but ended up going all in. He had a pair of Queens and my ace didn't hit, so he had beaten me. Luckily we were allowed to buy back in for the first hour.
Shortly I came up against the aggressive Hardeep again. I had Ace King and raised, but he was calling again. The flop came down 10,10,10. I suspected that my opponent might have a low pocket pair, but he had been playing so many hands that I couldn't believe he would have taken me again. I bet he raised me all in. I was pretty much committed and so called anyway, hoping that I had read him wrong, or that my Ace or King would hit on the turn or river. We turned our cards over and Hardeep had 66 - giving him a full house. I needed some luck or I would be buying back in again and be £90 down. The fourth card was almost unbelievably another 10, which meant that my ace, beat his six and gave me the win. All that could save him now was another Ace which would give us the same hand (four of a kind with an ace kicker). He wasn't going to be so lucky. I was back in the game.
I had only had a very late breakfast (my sleeping patterns still screwed and I wasn't up til three) and had been swimming and was almost dizzy with hunger. Dinner was on the way, but had not yet arrived. I decided to sit back and be patient, but wasn't getting the cards.
Emma was unlucky to get knocked out first when Hardeep played something like Queen, four against her Ace King and hit a pair of fours. Charlie was out next, but I hadn't won anything for ages and was getting quite short-stacked. I managed to bluff the cautious Jon Ronson a couple of times and pick up a few blinds, butI was still struggling. But I didn't go on tilt and sat back waiting for the right moment to strike.
Grub took Hardeep out with a very lucky turn card which gave him trip sevens and was looking in a strong position to win, though Jon and Lucy also had impressive stacks. Oli was behind me and sure enough got knocked out fairly soon after. he first three places all got cash, and it looked like I would come fourth, but then I had the most amazing run of good fortune that I've had at the poker tables for a good while. I was on the big blind with 4 7 suited and Grub on the small blind raised by the minimum amount. I knew he would be beating me, but thought I would take a chance. Luckily two sevens came down on the flop. I slow played my hand a bit and got a decent return out of Grub. The next hand I took him for more chips and within five minutes I had had another significant win against him again. Suddenly I had a big pile of chips and he was short stacked. And I kept getting great cards (and even when I didn't was now able to play aggressively and claim a lot of pots). I don't think I lost a hand for the rest of the tourney. My J 8 took Grub's Q 10 and he was out fourth and then my Ace Jack beat Jon's Ace 10 and he was gone. Emma was dealing and giving me hand after hand. I had joked earlier that we were colluding (when I'd been getting terrible hands) but now it seemed like we might be (she was after the chip set that I looked likely to win). I was getting hands like AA, AK, AJ and hardly any rubbish. Finally Lucy went all in with her short stack. I had to call and my better cards held up. I had won. For the first time this year (I think) I had won a tournament. I had had good cards, but I had played well, picking my moments well and then taking charge of the table. Luck was with me too, but it felt good to have broken the curse. And to have won some actual money. Nice bonus that it's going to be on the telly as well!
After the game we played a cash game and I realised what an advantage it is to be sober in this position. There was a lot of loose and crazy play from my celebrity friends and I managed to make another fifty-five pounds by picking my moments carefully.
I like these social games and don't think I am going to get back into the game as obsessively as I did a few months ago. It's cool when you're hanging out with your mates, not playing for too much money, but all a bit tragic if you find yourself playing seven hours a day on-line sitting at home in your pants.
So don't worry there won't be too many poker entries coming up. I just wanted to point out that I am better than all these other "celebrities". Especially Emma Kennedy.

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