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Tuesday 19th September 2006

I have been playing Dr Kawashima's Brain Training this week and I currently have a brain age of 26. Some 13 years younger than I actually am. If I can only get down to 21 then I have actual scientific evidence for my campaign to pretend to be 21 until I am 40. I don't know how scientific this process really is or whether I should go around being proud of myself for having the brain of a much younger man (it didn't do Jeffrey Dahmer any good). But I am proud of myself, so it's irrelevant whether I should be or not.
I think they should invent a game to test your maturity level as well. I suspect I (and many other men) might register around the 14 mark on that one.
But it's actually quite a good computer game, mainly because you can only really play it for about 10 minutes a day. It's not one that you get into and suddenly find 10 hours of your life have disappeared into a vortex.

The Great British eccentrics keep crossing my path. In the pool today a tall man in his late middle age, wearing a bathing cap and a snorkel was ploughing up and down the middle lane, blowing water out of his plastic air-pipe like a strange and lanky whale. He stuck resolutely to the centre of the lane sending water splashing into the other two with hie methodical and unnecessarily aggressive front crawl stroke, keeping his head underwater at all times. Who wears a snorkel to a swimming pool? I suppose their is the possibility of glimpsing life beneath the water, but it's unlikely. Every now and again he would stop in the shallow end and do an elaborate bending and stretching routine. As most of his tall body was out of the water for this it did look comical and strange. Especially as he was wearing a swimming cap and a snorkel as he was doing it.
But even the eccentric must be allowed to keep fit and he was certainly doing that. He was there before I arrived and still splashing and snorkelling when I left.

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