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Wednesday 16th August 2006

I have started sending out the programmes to those of you who donated. Thanks again for your help. I am about half way through doing it and working my way down from those who paid the most. But I don't have addresses for quite a few of you, so if you haven't sent me your address then please email me at
I am still being very poor at seeing other shows. Today I saw my friend Nadia in "Staggered Spaces" at the Greyfriars Kirk House. It's a charming and witty look at the confusions arising out of the break-up of a relationship, when you're still friends and might get back together again. She is in this with her actual ex-boyfriend Luke. What a confusing quagmire! Hopefully one day they will have an actual fight. That's got to be worth seeing.
I got recommended in the evil Daily Telegraph today when my show was one of Les Dennis's picks of the Fringe. It was good to get a nice write-up in the paper that had deemed me so bad last year.
The show was being filmed tonight and it made me surprisingly nervous. The cameraman was sitting in the front row and I was aware that every mistake I made would be there for alway. So I obviously made loads of mistakes. Early on as I went to pick up my water for my glass half full gag and knocked it over, spilling it everywhere and making a nonsense of the joke. My jitters mainly settled down and it went OK, but I was still a little self-conscious and pulling bigger faces and making larger gestures than I usually would. I am probably going to get the show filmed again at a later date to make a proper DVD of it, so it doesn't matter too much. This version is mainly just to have a record of the show and something to show to theatres and producers.
Afterwards I went to the bar for a drink and a man next to me said hello. I turned to see that I was being hailed by Bobby Davro. He was not someone I have met before, but of course I recognised him and said hello back. I was surprised to learn that he had come to my show - on the personal recommendation of my new biggest fan, Les Dennis. It's a strange new audience for me, but this year I have been enjoying meeting all kinds of performers this year and though once upon a time I might have been more snobbish about consorting with more mainstream comedians, I am not older and wiser and know that everyone has intereting stories to tell. Bobby is thinking of coming up to Edinburgh next year in an attempt to re-invent and push himself and I could only wish him good luck. I am quite fascinated by the rollercoaster ride of highs and lows that happen to practically everyone in this business and the different ways they cope with that. It's been a surreal Edinburgh. I have riffed with Harry Shearer and entertained Bobby Davro and shot the breeze with Norman Pace. And I am still living the life of a drunk monk, preferring to converse with ageing funnymen than any of the beautiful women at the Fringe. What's going on?

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